
Justin Adams

Quincy, Massachusetts, USA
Member since July 19th, 2013
Been fishing on and off for years but just started getting serious this year. My 12 year old son started showing an interest so He's been going a lot with me this year hence my renewed interest/obsession.

General Info

I'm either working, with my family or fishing. King of all things fantasy sports.
Favorite Fish to Catch
Largemouth bass
Favorite Type of Fishing
Spin rod
Water Type
Favorite Lures
Swim lures, rattle trap, sluggos. Live bait, I use shiners.
Fishing Rods
1. Shakespeare Catera
2. Shakespeare Firebird aka Walmart special
Fishing Reels
1. Pflueger trion
2. Whatever came on the Walmart special
Fishing Techniques
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. -Wayne Gretzky" -Michael Scott... I try to throw a line out as often as I can. Been using a lot of soft plastics. Sluggos in the lilly pads often.
Favorite Fishing Spot
Spy Pond, Charles, secret spot on the south shore
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2nd time at Mystic, first time being successful. Found a spot where smallies were biting. Very fun day. One picture worthy. Caught a few LMB as well but they were all little guys. Trip cut somewhat short when the guy I was with stepped on a wasp nest and got stung 4 or 5 times. Crazy at the time but he's fine so it's pretty funny looking back on it.

Posted 8 years ago

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2nd time to Dudley (Today and last Tue.) Not as much luck this time but still had a productive day. Only 1 picture worthy bass (2 smaller ones.) Lost what I feel was a big one in the weeds so that kind of bummed me out. Also pulled in a decent size pickerel and the guy I was with caught the smallest pickerel I've ever seen hooked

Posted 8 years ago

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First time out here. Wanted to try somewhere new. Read up on this place and I work close enough to it that I thought I'd give it a chance. Every Tuesday I go fishing with one of my clients (work at a residential for individuals with brain injuries) and we haven't had much luck the last few weeks. Today our luck changed. We both did very well catching multiple bass in the 2-2 1/2 lb range. He caught his personal best and was smiling ear to ear all day. Also pulled in a couple good size perch. Came prepared to fish for carp (only have done so a few times) but the bass kept biting so we never switched over to try for carp.

Posted 8 years ago

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Was able to get a line in the water for about an hour after work. This time a different spot on the Charles that I happened to stumble upon. Man were they biting today!! Lost a big one but still pulled in 2 decent size bass. All different colored slug-gos in the lilies made it happen today. Haven't come across any pickerel in my few Charles visits but something took a wicked bite out of a chartreuse slug-go. Assuming it was a massive pickerel. Gonna make this my go to spot for a few weeks and really work it over when I have time. Hope to report back with some good things and pictures.

Posted 8 years ago

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Quick early trip to Spy pond. 1st time this year. Disappointed that it was pretty dirty (lot of beer bottles and trash thrown about.) Might be my last trip there because of it. Anyway brought shiners up for the first time just to see what bites. Caught about a pounder on one and one a little bigger on a black worm with yellow tip (forget the brand, sorry.) also pulled in a few crappies, one picture worthy size.

Posted 8 years ago

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Switched jobs and work right on the Charles. I'm able to get out there for an hour or so 1-2 times/week. Never had any luck before but caught a couple decent ones this week. Nothing spectacular but I'm finding what works and hope to catch a monster soon. Either way been having a good time.

Posted 25 years ago

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Because of being swamped at work and busy with family, I haven't been on here in a bit (or out on the water for that matter. Was finally able to get some time off for my birthday. All my fishing has been from shore so I was excited to get out cause one of my buddies let me use his canoe. He had to work, but another friend, who pretty much taught me to fish, brought me out to his spot and acted as tour guide.

A lot of it was figuring out what was working, but you can't beat being out on the water. Finally we started getting some bites. My buddy got his lure ripped clean twice by a huge pickerel. Not sure if this lake has them in there, but by the size of one of them that we saw, I wouldn't be surprised if it was a pike. He continued killing it with an albino sluggo along lilies and weed structure. I was using different color senkos and a watermelon sluggo but no luck.

Once we got to deeper water, I was finally getting action. Back to back big fish with a crank with a few crappies mixed in. Was making our way back in and hit one more spot before we called it a day. Second cast, boom! Rod bends hard and I hook into a monster. About to land him and I made a rookie mistake and lost it about 2 inches from the boat. Easily 6 lbs and would've been a personal best. All in all though, a great trip and couldn't ask for a better day.

Now that my buddy said I can use the canoe whenever I want I'll be chasing that fish until the end of the season.

Posted 11 years ago

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Didn't have a lot of time this morning but wanted to get some fishing in. Got to stop at Artichoke (this time in a different spot than before but I want to keep it hidden since its a buddy's secret location lol.)

Couple cast of a watermelon senko (been killing it with this. Thank you MAFF for the info on these and how to fish them!!) and pulled in a little largemouth. Switched to a rat-L and grabbed the biggest pickerel I ever caught. Not a fan of these but it was huge so I thought it was pretty cool.

Switched back to a red and black senko and threw it into some lillys in some shallow water. Wasn't expecting much over there but hooked into a nice one. Prob pushing 4 lbs. Sadly, biggest one of the year but def was a nice fish. All in all, not bad for an hour. Wish I could've stayed longer. Felt like I was in the zone haha!!!

Posted 24 years ago

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Was going through pics on my phone the other day and I came across one of the biggest bass I've landed.... This was in late August of 2011. I knew very little about fishing (still don't know much but getting better.) and it's one of the biggest reasons I'm obsessed with fishing now...

For a few days, I was up in Laconia NH lucky enough to stay at a family friend's summer house right on the lake. I planned on fishing every morning we were there. 1st morning I decided to sleep in and hang out with the fam all day knowing I had 3 more days to pull in a monster that I've always wanted to catch. The next two days poured and I couldn't do much. So the last day I'm up at 4:30am. Step outside to some light drizzle but I'm ready to fish. Head to the jetty with some worms for awhile but I'm getting only rock bass and 2 1 lb LMB. Nothing to write home about, that's for sure.

I decided to try near a drainage in between two docks. I put on a fairly large white swim bait with awesome tail action. After the 3rd or 4th cast, I'm reeling about 5-7 ft in front of the drainage when I see it come out of nowhere and gobble up my lure!! This things definitely the biggest bass I ever caught (and at this time, I haven't caught a ton in my life) and it's giving me the fight I was looking for. It takes me a good 10 min to land him although he was just a mere few feet from me. The thing was a good 4 lbs. Not the biggest but by far my personal best. Still pumping with adrenaline, I pull out my sh*tty phone and take a pic, trying to get the thing in full frame while the battery is flashing low. Still remember it like yesterday!

Here comes the M. Night Shamalan twist! As I'm going through the old pics I show my buddy. At this point, I've only really have gone fishing with him and his dad. I'm usually there for them to laugh at me while they pull in whoppers. We have a good time tho. The few times I've been my myself I've come up empty handed. Ok, anyways, I showed him the pic telling him this was the big one I landed that I told you about. It takes him a split-second to say "that's a huge ass smallmouth!" So as pumped as I was, seemed like I should've been more excited that I hauled in a smallie this big.... Here's my question, by the pic how can he tell that it's a smallmouth? I know LMB's mouths come farther back past the eye. From the pic, I can't tell. Sorry for the ignorance, but how else can you tell/what do you look for?

Posted 13 years ago

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My mom had the week off and wanted to take my daughter swimming. I wasn't working so I figured I'd go as well and bring a rod along in case I had a chance to fish. Was mid week so wasn't a ton of people there swimming. If you walk along the left side of the beach and follow it up you can get away from everyone and fish for a bit. While over there I caught 2 off a repala. Both coming in at just under 2 lbs I'm guessing. Packed it in for a bit and swam with my daughter for awhile. Since it was so quiet there (we were pretty much the only one's left at this point) I started fishing about 5 feet from the swim area so I could still talk and play withy daughter. No luck with the repala, I switched to a small swim bait and figured I'd give it another 5 minutes or so. Threw a couple casts by some anchored boats and snagged 1 between a lb-1 1/2 lbs. have a good fight actually.

Posted 11 years ago

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With 100 Total Points

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  • Swordfish Rank
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  • Largemouth Rank
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