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Striped Bass Hybrid Comments

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User: timmeh
Comment: does anyone know any good places to catch these in CT in freshwater
Date: 09/13/11 10:59 AM

User: jimvision
Comment: A big striper is long. A big hybrid looks like a trashcan lid. A striper's lateral lines are nearly unbroken. A wiper's lateral lines are distinctly interrupted or broken. There is a little more distance between the dorsal fins on a striper. They both have 2 tooth patches. The smaller they are the harder to distinguish. Whie bass in the same water system can add to the confusion. Get out there and catch 'em and it will quickly become easy to make the ID.
Date: 04/03/09 09:47 PM

User: diggadave24
Comment: how can you tell the difference between a striper and a hybrid?
Date: 04/03/09 08:18 PM

User: sportsfreak1220
Comment: it s the end of march and the should be running up the CT river any time now . When there here
almost every cast you'll catch one
if you know the spots
Date: 03/29/09 12:00 PM

User: jimvision
Comment: what a great fish.
for the last 8 years or so, it just might be my favorite. after you have a tug a war with one 4lbs or better, you'll realize what a sissy the largemouth is. #1 tip--find shad! #2 tip--use baits that look like shad.
I'd be happy to talk wipers with you.
Date: 12/03/08 11:14 AM

User: ezzej
Comment: I use grass shrimps cash hybrids
Date: 05/06/08 07:31 PM

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