Ripple Lake, Grafton MA Fishing Report

5 Rating based on 5 Reviews

Trophy Carp In Grafton

So me and Aaron headed out this morning bright and early getting to the water around 5 am. Action started slow, a couple of bass for me but no sign of the big boys. About an half hour in we start to see them.... this spot is great because there is a ton of weeds that hide big bass and carp, but by the boat launch it's clear for about 10 feet, and that's where we chum the corn. So when they move into that area you can see this bad boys clear as day. Well, we go about an hour just watching them play with the corn, until finally we see a hog slurp up my hook. BAM, got a nice set and get a good look at him before that first run. BIG. I handed my pole to Aaron so that he could get his first ever taste of a carp fight, and oh boy was it a good first fight. This guy made three or four solid runs including one where he stuck his whole head out of the water and thrashed about for us! He ended up being too big for the net, but we managed to get him to shore after about a 5 or 6 minute fight, he fought him like a champ!

Totals for the day:

19 and a half pound carp
2 LMB (regular size)
1 Pickerel
1 Bluegill

2 LMB, biggest was about 2 pounds
and a Snapping turtle

Great day, thanks to Aaron for waking up early to join me

GOING AGAIN TOMORROW 7/17, I am not afraid to share my spots, so please hit me up if you are interested in joining, we get to the water at 5 AM

  • Added By: patriotsandbass on 07/16/14 09:58 AM
  • Location: Ripple Lake, Grafton MA
  • Report Date: 7/16/2014
  • # of Hotspots: 1
  • # of Photos: 1
  • # of Fish Caught: 6
  • Learn more about Ripple Lake, Grafton MA fishing in our fishing message boards

Report Photos

... patriotsandbass posted in MA

Report Catches

Carp and bass! Catch

  • # of Fish Caught: 6
  • Water Type: freshwater
  • Type of Fish: Mirror Carp

Report Map

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  • Nice thanks might have to try it out sometime. Did not know this place had big carp. I have only fished hardwater on it.

  • yea actually that is where i caught my 4 pound bass on the steep path behind the HS. its way to the left of that. leave the HS, take a right out of it, take your first right, then after the red farm on your right turn onto goddard road follow it to the end and you are there

  • Must be opposite side of where I fished. I fished near the hs.

  • boat ramp is by the damn at the end of goddard road

  • I ice fished there this winter. Some big bass in there.Where is the boat ramp?


    thanks for the invite an helping me land the carp. it was good morning sight fishing for the big-uns. next time lets get double hookups.

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