all over the southern half of the state Fishing Report

Staycation Day Trips Around The State

Had all last week off - we fished a few local areas and some new spots close to home. Woodbury's stewart lake and we made it down to harrisonville lake - nearby east lake and nearby woodstown lake on wednesday. We went up to asbury park on friday, met dennis and judi from 101.5 radio and got to fish sunset lake. It's a beautiful lake, separated by a road, but lots of spots to fish from. We only got to fish for 30 minutes, so we didn't find where they were hiding. Yesterday we went up to lakewood to watch the blueclaws game and got to fish a few spots at rt.9 and rt.528 - i got a blue gill and a nice pikerel that fell off the line. We drove 5 minutes past the stadium onto oberlin ave and went to a pond behind a lumber company. Only fished here 20 minutes, and didn't get any bites, but we'll be back to get some. Traffic and the thunderstorm severly cut down our fishing time, which was a major bummer.
The game started late and we left in the 7th inning, we had an hour and a half drive home and we won the tickets in asbury park, or we would've stayed til the end.
We passed alot of spots off of rt.70 on the way down, but we'll have to wait til the fall to fish these, there were too many overhanging trees and overgrown weeds.
There are hundred's of ponds and lakes all over this state and we plan to fish as many as we can over the years. After the rain we fished today for an hour at berlin lake, had 12 strikes, only hooked 5 fish, didn't land any! My hooks are debarbed, so we lose some, but it was an action packed hour of fishing!
We had a great week and even though we didn't catch too many fish - we created 1000 memories. Bummed that it's over, but that's life i guess.

  • Added By: southjerseyangler on 09/02/13 10:14 PM
  • Location: all over the southern half of the state
  • Report Date: 8/24/2013 - 9/2/2013
  • Learn more about all over the southern half of the state fishing in our fishing message boards

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