Sargent's Pond Leicester, Ma Fishing Report

5 Rating based on 10 Reviews

Muskie Adventure Tours "Leicester Little League Derby"

If there was ever a day to Convert you "Open Water Only" guys, today was the DAY!!

First off, thanks to Patrick and Brooksy for playing, and Dom and Nate and Harry.

And also to those I did not know that were there. 50 degrees with a little wind every now and then. No snow on the ice and it was solid when we started, turned slushy as the day went on and all the Sleds that made it look like the Daytona 500 for a bit.

We begin the Adventure with me just getting all the gear on the Ice and Patrick texting me, I think I am here, yup, he was, and so after the Hello's and great to see you again, we trek out across the frozen tundra of Sargent's Pond.

This is Patrick's Iron Maiden voyage on the Ice, he even RAN today, haha. After an 8 minute walk, which normally would be a short walk, the guys know what I mean about that, hahaha, we make home base as Dad would say, You would be having a great time with us Pop, just happens to be a point with a nice shore line up to the left. We set up the Ice Cube, 4 person tent, and then fire up the Auger, vvvrrroooaaammmmm.

I punch 5 quick holes about 35 yds from shore in a straight line, 15 ft between them, and hand Patrick the scoop because this is a 2 person operation, plus there was close to 17 inches of ICE!!! PLENTY SAFE

Side Note: Your freezer doesn't have that much ice, sorry Uncle Mike and Dad hahahaha

We get 3 set up and away we go, I even RAN, said I wouldn't do it, I explain the technique we use and wella, small pickerel, Bait in other places... Ok, new shiner and off to the next tilt, forgot to mention that I am in 10 ft of water hahaha no weeds, in a nice channel come to find out, but there is a price to pay to have what we found out to be one of the best spots if not the best. Before we walked to the next tilt the flag was up again, yeah baby, Patrick's turn. Maybe I should of told him that we were not fishing for TUNA, cause when he set the hook, I believe it went into the ice from 10 ft down, the hook set should be a nice little wrist motion as apposed to a Mike Tyson upper cut hahahahaha. He did get it down Pat, hahaha and it didn't take long

We caught maybe 12 fish before I could set up the 5th tilt and drill 5 more holes, other people were also catching around us, great start to the Derby. We hear some hooting but the Fish seemed to small all around.

That changed, a tilt to be named later went up, wink wink, and I caught what ended up to being 3rd place Pickerel and it's not even 8, we already lost count of the fish we caught, at this point close to 20, and the jigging hasn't started yet. I drill 5 more holes for tilts and 4 for Patrick and his line of Doom.
And again just like the last row, pow, pow, pow and away we go, it might have been 10 am before we could get all our tilts in the water. I never put my Hat or my Gloves on all day, I usually don't need my gloves, even during cold days but today was a day to take layers off in, only get a few every year like this. Patrick caught a big Slab Crappie, too bad it wasn't a category, he would have won that.

Patrick assaulted the Fish with his jig rod, with a Perch that was picture worthy hahaha The Honorable Pope Muskie Paul John has converted another hahahaha Then the kids showed up about 10 and they all had fun!! Dayton 500 for the sleds and as mentioned earlier, our tilts were the outside lane for them. Hahahahah vvvrrooaammm vvvrrrooaaammm No more flags No more Fish hahahaha O well It's for the kids anyway!!!!

Brooksy and Harry had a few flags and Fish inside the track, while Dom and Nate continued what Patrick had started, at least 14 fish on the jig rods hahaha and I can't take credit Patrick showed them how and WHAMOOOOO

End result: 3rd Place Pickerel
Honorable mention Perch
1st Place in Total Fish Caught

Well over 40 Fish total and I have a great Tan on my Bald Head and a smile a mile wide. Thanks again to everyone and there will plenty of Ice left even after this weekend, it will be cold all next week, this weekend should be great. That dam Ground Hog was right, need more gas for the Auger. Anyone else want to give it a go....


Patrick has the pics

---- Patrick ----

I had a blast. I definitely like hard water fishing.

It was all we could do to get the tilts in the water, they were tripping so fast.

It was kind of funny when I tried setting the tilt line the first time and pulled the bait out of the fishes mouth. What can I say I was excited.

My favorite was the jigging. The Swedish Pimple with a meal worm got the fish a biting.

Muskie thanks again for showing me the ropes.

Oh and your nephews were catching the hell out of the kivas.

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... azmlii posted in MA
... azmlii posted in MA
... azmlii posted in MA
... azmlii posted in MA

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  • Wow what a day! Sounded like u guys had a blast!

  • Congrats on great day guys! Muskie let me know if your heading out sat I have sat off again maybe this time I will have my truck!

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