mt.laurel, nj Fishing Report

4 Rating based on 1 Reviews

Mt. Laurel Part 2

Wound up just past rt.295 on rt. 38 in mt. laurel about 1215 today. Big lake in front of a ruby tuesday - couldn't fia there - drove 1 minute into an industrial park - 2 nice lakes - couldn't fish trespassing signs! Crossed back over rt.38 - 2 minutes later we were across from the NFL FILMS bldg. found 2 nice ponds - couldn't fish here - private property and no trespassing signs. Drove 2 more minutes to hartford road and FINALLY found a nice sized lake to fish. Got to fish for an hour and i didn't catch a thing, but Jeremy got 2 nice 1 pound bass, near the lilypads with a spinnerbait. on the way home we saw a new developement they were building and found a new pond in the back - no signs , so we fished for about 20 fish. It was a nice day out, found a new place to fish and 6 places we couldn't fish ( bummer ), but it was still an adventure and a beautiful day. Hope to get more fishing in next time we get out this way.

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