Ponkapoag Pond Fishing Report

5 Rating based on 3 Reviews


As is usually the case, Ponky produced some lunkers. 2 4.5s, a 5, and a six. Everyone scored fish. The winning pattern was fishing shallow vegetation. Of course, this was the only pattern since the whole place is shallow with vegetation! Congrats to purpleturkey who is almost always in the money. Also congrats to kfrabass with Lunker at 6.0. Don and I were feeling pretty good about our 4.5s, until we heard Chris come in with a 5, only to be followed by Kevin's 6!

Good job to all who fished!

1. purpleturkey: 13.4
2. kfrabass: 12.9
3. tomp: 12.7

Lunker: kfrabass: 6.0

Please post any pics if you can guys.

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... tomp posted in MA
... tomp posted in MA
... purpleturkey posted in MA
... purpleturkey posted in MA
... purpleturkey posted in MA
... purpleturkey posted in MA
... purpleturkey posted in MA

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  • I found the bite very early on in the am. I had a 2-14 and a 2-3 before 7:00. I grabbed and lost a 5 lber at 7:30. For some reason, I reached for my net when the LM was a few feet away from my kayak, the bass looked at me and a few of his own ideas. My net somehow got wrapped up in the handle of my spinning reel and the braided line got tangled in the rod holder. Needless to say I looked and felt like a first graded because I did everything wrong. I got those fish on a Strike King Caffeine Shad with braided line. I was casting and twitching it around pad and between areas of slop in 18" to 24" of water. I continued that pattern until around 10:00 catching some very good sized pickerel. Once the sun started to really pop out and the small breeze died I decided to go deeper in the 5 to 6 foot range. I grabbed the 6-0 a little after 10:00 on a Texas rigged Rage Craw with a bullet weight. I knew that I needed to grab another 2 to 3 pounds in order to get into the top two or three. I struggled in the deeper water so I decided to go back shallow to try at least grab two more. I grabbed a 1-8 with the Caffeine Shad with the same pattern. I struggled and came up empty for the fifth fish. Congrats to Don (he was able to cull two or three for the win.) Some big fish and total weights were caught by all.

  • Great job guys. Wish I could of been there.

  • Nice job Don. I can't upload pics of my fish for some reason, the only one I can is this one before launching. 12lbs.2oz with a 5.0 largie, and I finished on the bubble. The guys ahead of me did well. Another fun day on the water.

  • Congrats again, Don. You're the man to beat at that place.

    I found plenty of fish, but couldn't get the bigger bites. Most came on the spinnerbait, which I guess wasn't getting down in the weeds enough for the bigger bass.

    As usual, the topwater bite there was nonexistent for me. That place should be amazing when using topwater baits, but it never produces for me. I don't get it.

    Anyways, congrats to the winners! And to those who pulled out some slobs.

  • Way to go Donnie! Once again Donanated the field!

  • Had my 1st and biggest a 4 lb 5 oz'r in my 1st 6 casts then a 2.7 and a 2.0 in the next 6 casts,thought it was gonna be a great day but then the bite died.Took a few hours to find fish #4 and #5. In the last hour I grabbed #6 a 2.12 n culled up 1 and 3/4 lbs, felt confident until I watched Tom catch and weigh a 4 lb 5 oz'r with 40 mins left in the clock(little did I know about the 5 and 6 lbr's! I caught #7 and #8 in final 30 mins,1 culled me up 1 oz and the other didn't help. Strange day..the bite was on then gone,on then gone all morning.Caught most on a Texas Rigged Stick-O Worn and a couple Dropshotting

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