Stump/Robbins Pond Fishing Report

5 Rating based on 5 Reviews


It only took me 3 years to do it but I finally broke the 10 pound bag barrier with the win going to yours truly, tomp. Bam1970 caught over a dozen keepers and got second. At the site, it looked like 3rd place was a tie between purpleturkey and rivethead with purpleturkey winning the big fish tie breaker to be awarded 3rd place. Upon examining the tally later, it appears that purpleturkey shortchanged himself in his tally and really had an additional ounce which gave him third outright anyway. Whew!

Great job by drshakenbake with Lunker!

It was pretty good action and good quality out there today. Props to the Western Mass guys for making the trek and giving a good account of themselves. Also good to see a few new faces.

1st: tomp- 10 8
2nd: bam1970- 7 12
3rd: purpleturkey- 6 15

Lunker: drshakenbake- 4 1

Please post any pictures if you can, guys.

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... purpleturkey posted in MA
... purpleturkey posted in MA
... purpleturkey posted in MA
... purpleturkey posted in MA
... purpleturkey posted in MA

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  • Nice!

  • 4lbs even caught this one at the mouth of the River! If only the 12 incher I caught weighed more than 12oz!!!

  • 2lb 8oz first fish of the day

  • Congrats on the win, Tom! And to Bruce and Don.

    Did anyone fish the river? =)

  • BTW, good job to kayakam11 in his debut. He started out with a 3.7 and a 3.0 and was on track to clean house. Just needed another one or two like those.

    Don, I looked at your scorecard and read it as 2.1 but what I thought was a 1 was the "l" in lbs. So, I guess we got it right at the site after all!

  • Congratulations on the Win Tom and on the 10+ pound bag,Very Nice, and thank you for hosting another great tourney!!! Nice job Bruce (Bam)you got your revenge on Stumpy! Good Job Jeremy NICE FISH! I Looked at my notebook Tom the 6 lbs 14 oz is right, alI I can think is my sloppy printing is to blame, maybe my fish that was 2 lbs even I wrotedown as 2.lbs so it looked like 2.1,either way doesn't matter.
    I had a tuff day very few bites and I couldn't get anything out of the pads(guess I shoulda threw the frog more then half a dozen times)Caught my 4 all in the pockets and edges of the hydrilla,2 on Stiko Worms, 1 Dropshotting and 1 on a Spinner Bait.

  • Good job guys congrats to Tom good job Bam and don

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