Lake Nippenicket Fishing Report

5 Rating based on 5 Reviews


Today was a mixed bag of bags at the Nip. Some good, some not so much. Also, a few broken hearts from lost fish. In the end, places 1 through 3 went to newcomers with brownie, a veteran, getting a nice lunker. Here's the results:

1. swampyankee- 8 lb 6 oz
2. jrap71- 7 lb 12 oz
3. kreid20- 7 lb 2 oz

Lunker: brownie- 4 lb 10 oz

Lot of new faces today. We even had husband and wife entrants! Congrats to all who fished and especially those who placed.

Anglers, please post any pics you can. I would lead by example, but, unfortunately, not much to add on my part!

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... purpleturkey posted in MA
... purpleturkey posted in MA
... purpleturkey posted in MA
... purpleturkey posted in MA

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  • Next tourney sign-up is live!

    I know this is kind of cheating by posting it here, but...I'm desperate. Haha. That's a bit of a drive, so I'd like there to be a solid turnout. =)

  • Great event, I'm glad I was able to sneak in at the last minute. Thanks to Tom for putting this together!

    I didn't expect to do as well as I did, I think I did better this time than every other time I've fished The Nip put together.

    Great group of anglers, everyone was very friendly. I wish I could make it to the Norton Reservoir in October, but I'll be in Scotland fly fishing for Pike (seems like a good trade off to me). I definitely plan on joining up on some of these trips next year.

    I'll get photos up tomorrow or whenever I get time, but until then, thanks again to Tom and everyone else involved for a great time!

  • Thanks to Tom for hosting this event.

    My wife & I had a great time out on the water, weather was great and the fishing was alright for the most part.
    We are out on the water every weekend and this was nice to compete against other kayak fisherman that have the same passion for kayak fishing as we do.

    We were expecting nothing but weeds at this time of the year at "THE NIP" but it wasn't as bad as I expected.

    Both of us were able to catch several bass, crappie, and pickerel throughout the day.
    However we didn't get anything that was weighable.

    My wife missed two nice bass that when caught went down into the weeds and when we went to get them into the kayak with the tangle of weeds both fish were able to get off the lure she was using just as they were brought up and into the kayak.

    We used crank baits, spinners and rubber lures for the entire day.

    Made for a good day all around, looking forward to taking part in the upcoming events.

  • My 1.2 lber at the end! Lol good time today, looking forward to events in the future.

  • Tough day, I had my 2 keepers by 8:00a.m. caught them on weighted Texas Rigged worms at the back of the pond tight too shore,then only 3 short bass after that. Had 2 big bass explode on frogs but they missed n those were the only 2 frog bites I had.

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