Norton reservoir Fishing Report

5 Rating based on 3 Reviews


So, we wrapped up this year's Kayak Tourney series today at Norton Reservoir. The day started calm and cool with the wind picking up considerably a few hours into the proceedings. Priority one was locating the duck hunters as the sun came up and staying out of their line of fire! Again it was good to see some new participants one of whom finished in the money. First and second went to the father son duo of Ken and Paul. Good job guys. Ken wielded his trusty spinnerbait for a nice limit on a tough day. For those of us who didn't make out so well I suppose we realized things could have been worse after seeing the poor guy who shredded the front end of his SUV while trying to launch his Ranger! Thanks to everyone who participated this year and special thanks to those who stepped up to keep things running smoothly when I couldn't attend.

Here's the final tally:

1. kenwood- 7lb 10oz
2. paulreed- 5lb 7oz
3. will Hannon- 2lb 0oz

Lunker: kenwood- 2lb 3oz

Please post any pics if possible guys. I would do so but dinks and picks aren't too interesting!

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... kenwood posted in MA
... purpleturkey posted in MA
... purpleturkey posted in MA

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  • What the hell? My phone just posted that comment again. I have no idea how.


  • Actually, I made a mistake. That tournament is on the 25th. We could do something on the 24th.

  • Hay don I'm up for one more

  • Actually, I made a mistake. That tournament is on the 25th. We could do something on the 24th.

  • Hey Ken and Chris, I'm interested in one more tourney this year also.Maybe we can do something the weekend after the BBS Tourney,Sat Nov 7th. Any thoughts on where to have it???Anyone else want in??

  • This was the last one for 2015, Chris. Though if anyone wants to put something together, I'm down.

    There is, however, a Boston Bass Stranglers tournament at Farm Pond in Framingham on October 27.

    Same rules as the MAFF tournaments, but the entry fee is $50 and there's a 3-fish limit, not 5.

  • First kayak tourney for me, and this res, good group of guys, and I enjoyed the outing. Fishing was slow, ended up with a couple small bass, and a couple small picks. Biggest was 1.01,barely legal! Maybe have another before December?

  • first time there id def be back i had 1 fish for 1 lb 3oz had to jet tho at 930 unfortunately sorry guys def be back next year now that i have a kayak

  • Tom, thanks again for hosting this event.
    I enjoyed the day out on the water even though I had nothing to weigh in at the end of the day.
    Nothing but small little ones were caught.
    Congrats to 1st, 2nd & 3rd place.
    Weather was great too.
    The duck hunters weren't to happy with us out in water, they didn't have a good day but, the guy that ripped the entire front end of his Jeep off had a even worse day.

    Enjoyed the time, looking forward to being out there next year.

  • Tough day for me just 1 keeper!!

    Thank you Tom I had an excellent time at each tourney and you did a bang up job,can't wait til next season!
    Thank you Ken for running the couple that you ran!
    I had a lot of fun fishing with you guys(and gal) it was great too meet some new yak anglers!

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