Sudbury res Fishing Report

5 Rating based on 1 Reviews

It's Go Time.....

Decided to reward myself for getting house work and yard work done time to hit the Sud.Things had been slow but they were picking up.Been trying to figure out where the fish are has been a challenge.One day they are there next day nothing.Just started seeing sunfish and bass cruising the shore so knew it wouldn't be long but where are the smallies?Finally one of my honey holes pays off with a nice 2lb sally.Knew it right away as she jumped 3 times.Had a previous war wound on her chunk of dorsal fin missing prob from fight with a big pick caught a 3lber other day close to same spot.Not many bites after that so moved to corner of a cove shallow with a small creek running into it 5 casts in a row bass every cast only little over a lb but good action and then a baby smallie.Just about time to go and I hook a nice one head comes up out of the water she gives the old shake it up and poof out comes the hook.Would have been happy with just the smallie been searching all month for them.Caught 2 2lb larry's the other day so looks like game on.Only matter of time before the big ones come lurking.

  • Added By: badlarry on 04/30/13 08:54 PM
  • Location: Sudbury res
  • Report Date: 4/30/2013
  • # of Hotspots: 1
  • # of Photos: 0
  • # of Fish Caught: 8
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  • Yeah def have to get together I will show you some spots maybe in another week when the action should really take off.Still think the fish are moving back deep at night went to same spot later this evening and just a couple of bites a guy caught 2 off spinner bait both small guys and that was it no more action.Right now just a matter of right place at right time but soon they will be every where!

  • Two friends one caught a 3lb chunker and other 2+lber def heating up.I think smallies are just starting to get within casting distance.I think my friend and I are the only ones that catch smallies here haha everyone else I talk to have never caught any!Guess they like senko's though I had a hit off my sinking perch may have been a smallie they love perch then again what predator fish doesn't!

  • Nice roll Dave...sounds like a good run at the Sud...lets hook up soon

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