indian lake , worcester ma. Fishing Report

5 Rating based on 7 Reviews

I Got A Fever And The Only Prescription.....

is more carp!!!

so i decided to try and catch my second ever carp tonight after work and i am very happy i did! i had chummed a spot on the lake pretty heavily earlier today in a place where ive never seen carp in daylight but late at night they show up en mass. i got to thespot and shined my head lamp down and voilla! carp everywhere! so bait up my hook and throw it in the pile of corn i had chummed with earlier in the day and wham! the sound of 6 carp spooking off like a beached killer i scared the crap out of them all with the hook hitting the water, so now im discouraged that i just scared off all my potential quarry but i decided to wait it out anyways and see what happens. bout a half hour passes before i see them start piling up on the corn again and my hook is right in the middle of this orgy of feeding fish. a couple minutes goes by with my light turned off and there it is, that old familiar sound of a clicking drag. i dont leave my bail open when fishing like this because often where i see them is very close quarters and the 2 ive cought so far have both bit my hook within 4 feet of me so i just watch ,feel then start retrieving line to set the hook! i am close enough to actually see which one picked up my hook! so i gotta say that im addicted to carp now cause ive never had anything that fights like that on the end of my line, man do these fish fight. i would estimate about 5 minutes went by before i was able to pick this fish up, every time i got her back to inches of water she would start up again and run with another 60 feet of line and this is how the whole fight continued with me gaining ten feet and her running with yet another 60. finally i get her to shore and we are both tired and my arm is flexed. i tryed to get some decent pictures but it was dark and i was using my phone and a head lamp lol so then luckily there is no shortage of sketchy people wandering the streets of worcester late at night this guy comes walking by and i said hey bud would you be so kind as to take a picture of me with my fish ? he stops and looks creeped out at this weird white dude coming out of the water with a head lamp asking to take my picture hahah. but once i picked up the fish and walked towards him he saw it and was like ok yeah. hes got my phone and my headlamp aiming at me taking multiple pictures to make sure i get atleast 1 thats worth keeping and then hands me my phone says wow i didnt think this s***ty ass lake had big fish like that in it! lmao!! so i hop back down the bank and hold my fish in the water and she instantly swam away with almost no recovery time. i was fishing lastnight after work until 3 am when i called it quits and headed home but i went home tonight with an ear to ear grin on my face and a story to tell so hope its a decent read.

  • Added By: bassinbrooksy on 05/10/13 01:12 AM
  • Location: indian lake , worcester ma.
  • Report Date: 5/10/2013
  • Learn more about indian lake , worcester ma. fishing in our fishing message boards

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  • thanks! ive been really lucky and im not looking forward to the first time i go out and dont hook up lol. carp fishing aint fun for me unless i actually have a carp on my line hahahaha

  • you are screwedddddd hahahaha Carp Feva yeah Baby great job again

  • me too! lol. i got the sickness now!

  • Fantastic Brooksy, funny to hear you talk about Carp, I'm glad you came that morning!!

  • Pics

  • Thanks guys I posted a few pics but wasnt able top attach them to the trip for some reason. Im very lucky to be 2 for 2 with these finicky ass fish lol. Very fun fight !

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