Provincetown, MA Fishing Report

5 Rating based on 3 Reviews

Great Day Catching My First Bluefish Down The Cape

I'm a bit late in posting this trip, but last Sunday I got the chance to go down to Provincetown on a friends boat to go for some bluefish. It was the first time I had ever been down there and i had never caught a blue before so I was very excited. We first stopped to catch some mackerel on the sabiki rig and we got to see some pilot whales in the process; super cool. After that we boated the rest of the way to the spot and started trolling mackerel. The action was spotty at first, and it took a shameful number of missed opportunities before my dad was able to pull in the first fish of the day. After he and my brother got a couple more fish, I was finally able to get my first one. I had had a bad luck streak before that, as I lost one fish when some dude in a boat ran over my line, and another when the steel leader snapped at the boat. But after my first fish, the action picked up and we had a great rest of the day. I got maybe 3 or 4 fish, mostly on cranks, which I preferred over the live mackerel, and we ended up taking home 14 fish to use for lobster trap bait. We also got to see a couple humpback whales on the way back, awesome stuff. I got a nice dogfish on the sabiki rig as well, which was interesting. It was a fantastic day and I cannot wait to get out there again for stripers!

  • Added By: baystateangler on 08/15/16 08:43 AM
  • Location: Provincetown, MA
  • Report Date: 8/7/2016
  • # of Photos: 2
  • Learn more about Provincetown, MA fishing in our fishing message boards

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