Gallow Pond, Plymouth, MA 7/4/13
Woke my son from a dead sleep this morning at 7:30. "What where are we going? It's summer vacation can't I sleep later?" Let's fish Halfway Pond in Plymouth. Never been there and didn't realize the dirt roads I needed to navigate in my Civic with a canoe on top. Got as far as Gallow Pond, when a large dip with 2 feet of water in it stopped us and some fellow fishermen standing by convinced us to try there instead. No regrets. My son nabbed a huge 2.75 lb largemouth and I caught a 2.5 lb smallie. We boated 5 fish all together and had a couple throw their hooks. It was a great way to spend the 4th!
Oh man tell me about it. I'm shocked that the road has name and that google even knows that it exists.
Nice pond, but that dirt road is brutal. Nothing like how it looks on Google Maps!