Bluefin Tuna Details

Bluefin Tuna Source: Raver, Duane. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
  • Water Type: saltwater
  • Latin Name: thunnus thynnus
  • Common Names: tuna, bluefin tuna
  • Last Modified By: shawn123 on 09/02/11 12:49 PM
  • Ask about Bluefin Tuna in our forum


Baits and Tackle for Bluefin Tuna

Live Bait (Other) Check Prices

  • Bluefish rigged through the head set at fifty feet with a baloon

Soft Swimbait Check Prices

Bluefin Tuna Description

This large species of saltwater fish is a highly valued food and game fish, so valued that some specimens go for more than 100K. The red belly meat of this fish is used to make very specialized sushi. Japan accounts for 88% of the bluefin catch, but only 25% of all tuna.

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