A Crappie Day At Turtle Pond! Fishing Report

4.5 Rating based on 4 Reviews

I went to turtle pond to catch some Crappie and I sure did get lucky. I caught 6 in an hour a number I have yet to reproduce. The thing about Turtle Pond is if you don't have a boat you are restricted to two different docks. With just the fish caught dockside I could only imagine all the bass` if I could get to all the surrounding grassy areas. One side has a huge drop off and the crappie seem to like it there. The other side is a little more shallow and tends to be where I catch Bass. Unfortunately when it gets hot the Yuppie idiots illegally swim and scare off my fish. Like who gets up at 6am to swim and ruin my fishing. :-) Seriously for me to get up at 5am takes some serious dedication.

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... missmonsterfish posted in MA

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  • They do not allow swimming, people just do it. When the mercury hits 90+ all bets are off...
    I never saw I sign "NO BOATING" next time I have some time I'll check for signs...

  • Is it posted "No boating"? If not, then all bets are off. I had no idea they allow swimming in there.

  • You can not put a boat in Turtle Pond I asked the ranger that one day when he said no boats.

  • Good size crappie.
    I fished there last week for a couple of hour and caught 4 bass, largest just 1.5 lbs. The water is so dark and the bass are the darkest I ever saw. My light colored Senko disappered from sight down just 1'. It is tough to fish with only the two access docks. The dock on far side had at least 12 people swimming off of it. I was lucky and had street side to myself for a little while anyway.
    Can you bring kayak in there? I have never seen one and I go by the pond daily...

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